Provision is made at school for a treatment room. However, if a student is obviously unwell before leaving home, it is recommended that they be kept home, and the school informed of her absence. The school will not supply medication for students.
Students who need to take prescribed medications while at school must adhere to their doctor's recommended dosage and must not allow another student access to these drugs. The student's name and dosage requirements for prescription medications must be clearly visible. These will be stored in a locked cabinet. The First Aid Officer will keep a record of the dosage, time and date of administration of medications.
Parents/caregivers or legal guardians of students who are taking prescribed medication at school (or school related events), either within the Student Services Office under supervision or independently, are required to complete a Medical Authority Form which is to be handed in to the Student Services Office prior to student commencing their medication treatment.
CLICK HERE to access the Medical Authority Form